An influencer's guide to creating a passive income stream with online courses
So, here's what you'll learn...
Why A Course
Lesson 1: Picking A Niche & Identifying Your ICA
Lesson 2: Validating Your Course Idea
Lesson 3: Mindset--You Are Enough
Lesson 1: Identify Your Course Promise & Positioning
Lesson 2: Naming Your Course
Lesson 3: Mindset--Naming Your Course
Lesson 1: Outlining Your Course
Lesson 2: Sticky Note Brainstorming Training
Lesson 3: Refining & Editing Content
Lesson 4: Writing Your Script
Lesson 5: Mindset--Comparisonitis
Lesson 1: Choosing a Recording Format
Lesson 2: 5 Quick Tips for Recording
Lesson 3: Mindset-- Camera Confidence
Lesson 1: How To Price Your Course
Lesson 2: Mindset-- Money & Abundance
Lesson 1: Recommended Course Platforms
Lesson 6: Congrats!